Friday, February 08, 2013

First post of Year 2013

8 February 2013. Sunny Day.

After so long, I'm back to post my first post for the year of 2013.

For the few months, I was busy with school exams & fyp. And now busy with work after graduation. Finding a job was really difficult for me. Especially when you want to find a job that you will like and suits you. I definitely experience this. Today is my last day of work in this company which I'm working for the past 8 months.

After the Lunar New Year, I will be reporting work in HSBC Bank. Really looking forward to my new job in the new year. However, things are usually not smooth at first. I keep getting the feel that my boyfriend giving the wet blanket in the jobs I find. Although this is a contract job, different from permanent ones with good benefits I suppose, I think I shouldn't ask too much and just grab the job first. Learn as much as I can in the year and gain experience.

Just yesterday, when I told him about the job position, he immediately said things that gave me a feeling of "Why your job position so weird one? Are you sure of the job scope? Which department is it under? blah blah blah.." I really don't expect much from my boyfriend. But really hope he gives me the support that I really need now...

Anyways, it's going to be Lunar New Year.. The Snake year in 2 days time.. Let this year be the fruitful one...

Happy Snake year!!!