Sunday, January 06, 2008

Christmas Eve & christmas day Celebration!!

Ok.. I shall post on the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day itself before i go on with the Genting Holiday post... Whahaha....

Have a lot of photos to share with you guys and gals out there... hahaha.... On the 24th December 2007, it is Christmas Eve. So as usual went to Sandy cousin's house to celebrate and have a feast. whahaha... Have a mini chocolate fondue too... ahahah... So Excited!! And oso... My friend Yun Xie's Birthday... hahaha...Happy birthday!!! So, Shannon,Janice, Yu Shan and mi help him to celebrate his birthday on Christmas Day. Had fondue and food too at Shannon's place. hhaha... After having lot of fun, tim really flies fast that I need to make a move first.. So went off with Janice as it was late for her too...

Below are the pictures:

Nice Christmas Cup Cakes!
Marshmallows for Fondue
Wafers for Fondue
Hershey's chocolate chip to
make chocolate Fondue

Mini Pot used fo Fondue
Prawn salad instead of Lobster!! Ham & Sausage Platter
A table of Food!!
Candlelight Dinner
Yun Xie's birthday
Me & Janice
So pretty rite?? Whahaha...
For more, stay tunie~~