Saturday, May 19, 2007

Let's play this game!!!

Today is 19 May 2007...Fine Day...

Erm... I dunno why i am been arrowed to play this game but nvm this is how it goes...

Rules of the game:-Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who got tagged must write it in their own blog and state this rule clearly. At the end of the game, list down 6 people to be tagged and NO TAGBACKS!!

1. I like black & dark coloured clothes. Usually buy clothes with that kinda colour..

2. I am a person who treasures my friends like princesses & princes..

3. If you happen to scold me for nothing, I will give you what you deserve..

4. My family do treat me like a princess, although I may not be one who is rich..

5. I am sometimes over-protected by my Mum till I do feel stressed (Cannot have BF now, study comes 1st)..

6. I can get very emo at times till I dun wanna talk suddenly..Sry to my friends if u kenna that from me suddenly..

7. I like pinky and purple stuffs all of a sudden..

8. I love my Dearest friend, Janice & Shannon kor kor (They also treat me like princess)..

9. I can onli stay up till 5am without sleeping, but after that I will sleep like a log..

10. My friend, Angie say i am a water tank as I cannot leave without water..

Now, Let's see who are being arrowed next:

1. Wei Ying
2. Sharon
3. Panda
4. Angie

5. Melvin
6. S.H.E (dunno who to arrow le..haha..)